Colorado Succeeds, Career-Connected Learning
Colorado Succeeds, Career-Connected Learning
Colorado Succeeds, through its Homegrown Talent Initiative (HTI), creates career-connected programming in rural communities. Specifically, Succeeds and its partners assist districts in designing and implementing career-connected learning programs from career exploration and certifications to internships and concurrent enrollment. Colorado Succeeds regularly brings together the districts from Clear Creek, Elbert, Fremont, Grand, La Plata, Montezuma, and Phillips counties to share best practices and engage in coaching and training activities. The Foundation was excited to approve a three-year challenge grant in 2020 to support this ambitious project. At the end of 2021, all seven HTI communities showed more than 1,000 students were enrolled in concurrent enrollment classes, nearly 350 certifications or credentials were attained, and more than 300 businesses are partnering with the program.